Do you think Surfing and Clicking are not your kinda job? Do you want to spend your time on some thing creative and still earn money? Well here it is: With a little bit of HTML coding knowledge, you can do so by starting your own Blog Web site Forum. There are many free web host sites readily available to host your site. All that you need to do is just register with them for free and develop your site or blog whatever it is with “good meaningful content”. Once your site is up, just subscribe your site with Online Advertisement Agencies, sit back and enjoy your earnings.
Which sites are offering free webhosting services?:
Well, there are too many. Just google and find out. Here are a couple of those…
Read the hosting site’s TOS carefully before registering
Choose a web host that won’t fill your site with their own Ad’s
Do not use copied contents in your site. “Be original” with the contents.
But why would Ad agencies pay me?: Simply because they are using your site to display their Ad’s. They will pay you either on a “per click” basis or on “per no.of display’s basis”. To know further, read their “How To” and/or ”FAQs” etc.
How do they pay?: Same old question. Either by cheque or through Credit Card or through your Online Payment Processor. Click on the following banners to set up your own Online Processor Account.
OK, Who are those Online Ad Agencies?: Good question. Here are my recommendations;
Few tips:
While, Adsense is a more popular one, my top recommendation is Adbrite. They usually approve your site without any fuss straight away and start displaying Ads on your site. It’s a nice starter.
Do not click your own Ads.
Do not spam others to click your Ads
Join a couple of Traffic Exchangers to divert decent trffic to your site and get better results
Any more questions?Go to the Contact page to shoot them to me.
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